Is this a private charter or group trip? Your trip is completely private to only the people in your reservation.
How many people can go on the fishing trip? We can only take 4 people maximum. If you have more people we can help organize an additional charter boat if there is availability.
Where do I meet the boat for the fishing trip? We will pick you up by boat at your ship. If you are not part of a cruise we will arrange a meeting location.
Do I need a fishing license? The state of Alaska fishing licenses are sold on board of vessel.
$20 per person for a 1 day license.
$35 per person for a 3 day license.
$55 per person for a 7 day license.
King Salmon stamp is $10 per day. (only required for King Salmon)
What do I wear on the fishing trip? Rain jackets are available if you do not have one with you. We recommend that you wear enclosed shoes, rain jacket and pants. The sun can be strong here, please wear a hat and sunglasses if possible.
Do I need to bring food? No, snacks, soda & water are provided.
Can I take home the fish I catch? We use a third party processor to ship the fish to your door.
Can I mount my fish? Yes, we use Gray's Taxidermy and will help you fill out the taxidermy form.
28 inches or longer—Bag, possession, annual and size limits are established by emergency order, as specified in the Southeast Alaska King Salmon Management Plan.
Less than 28 inches—Retention prohibited.
Nonresident anglers—A harvest record is required (see page 6). Anglers should check with the nearest ADF&G office for current bag, possession, annual and size limit regulations.
Charter operators and crew members may not retain king salmon while clients are on board the vessel. COHO, CHUM, PINK, AND SOCKEYE SALMON
• 16 inches or longer: 6 of each species per day, 12 of each species in possession.
Season: May 16–November 30.
Charter operators and crew members May Not retain lingcod while clients are on board the vessel. Southern Southeast Lingcod Area
Alaska Residents—No size limit: 1 per day, 2 in possession.
Nonresidents— 1 per day, 1 in possession, 30–45 inches or 55 inches and longer, annual limit of 2 fish, one of which is 30–45 inches in length, and one that is 55 inches or greater in length, harvest record required (see page 6).
Pacific halibut fisheries are managed by the federal government under international treaty.
Federal possession and landing requirements for sport-caught halibut differ from state regulations. Possession includes unpreserved AND preserved fish for halibut.
Season: February 1–December 31.
Consult federal regulations for the following: bag, size, and possession limits for guided (charter) anglers; possession and landing requirements, and inseason changes to the regulations.
Federal halibut regulations are available from:
Pelagic rockfish include black, blue, dark, dusky, widow, and yellowtail. These six species are uniformly gray, green, brown, or black (see page 38). All rockfish not listed as pelagic are considered non-pelagic.
5 per day, 10 in possession, no size limit.
NON-PELAGIC ROCKFISH (All Southeast Waters)
Charter operators and crew members may not retain non-pelagic rockfish while clients are on board the vessel.
As of January 1, 2013 anglers sport fishing from a charter vessel when releasing non-pelagic rockfish are required to have in possession, and utilize, a deepwater release mechanism to return and release these rockfish to the depth it was hooked, or to at least 100 feet in depth, whichever is shallower.
A charter vessel must have at least one functional deepwater release mechanism on board and readily available for use when sport fishing activities are taking place.
Upon request, a deepwater release mechanism must be presented to a local representative of the department or a peace officer of the state.
Southeast Waters • Alaska Residents: 1 per day, 1 in possession, no size limit. • Nonresidents: 1 per day, 1 in possession, no size limit; annual limit of 1 yelloweye, which must be recorded, in ink, on the back of the angler’s sport fishing license or on a harvest record card immediately at the time of harvest (see page 6).
Southeast Outside Waters
• Retention of nonpelagic rock sh is prohibited in all Southeast Alaska Outside Waters from August 1 through August 31, 2018. All anglers shing from a vessel in these waters during this time must have a functional deepwater release mechanism on board (regardless of target species) and all anglers must release nonpelagic rock fish at depth of capture or at least 100 feet using a deepwater release mechanism.